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Back to School Tips for 2022

August is almost here and school will be in session before you know it! Check out this quick list of helpful tips to get ready for a fresh start this school year!

1. Create a Flexible Family Routine

Practicing a flexible family routine a few weeks before school starts can help everyone in the family get adjusted to a new schedule.

Building in flexibility is the key to a great family routine. This will help to avoid the stress of things that may not get done, or will help create a time buffer if unforeseen situations arise (as they often do!). It can also help enhance your children's problem solving skills when working together with them to adjust the schedule.

Routines can help families stay organized, reduce stress, and find stability. Routines can also teach children valuable skills like independence, accountability, and cooperation.

2. Get prepared with the right school supplies!

Each school and district may have specific lists of school supplies that students will need for the year. Be sure to check the list for your district so that your child won't miss out on any special projects during the year.

Or simply click HERE to search by another school district or by city in Illinois!

Make sure your children are prepared with a few extra supplies at home, just in case there is a return to remote learning during the school year.

School supplies can be expensive. Many stores such as Staples, Office Max, Target, and Walmart currently have many deals in store for big discounts on supplies! Don't forget to check for deals online as well. Discount School Supply, Coupon Cabin, and even Groupon have many discounts online that may help you save on supplies this year.

If you are in a position to help provide supplies to students who need them, check out these local organizations and events that can use your help!

3. Check in regularly with the kiddos through out the school year.

Now more than ever, the idea of attending school can be a very stressful time for students, as well as parents. Make some family time to regroup and keep the conversations going through out the year to help ease anxieties and open the door to discuss the difficult situations we face going to school in 2022.

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